Sunday, December 13, 2015


Love can only be proven with time.

When you’ve been with someone for 25 years, it’s so much more than just love it’s trust.

It’s love when a relationship has been through many trials and tribulations, but in the end they’re still committed to the I Do’s.

I do goes way further than just something that was said on their wedding day.

I do believe God had them meet.

I do believe God made it possible for them to get married.

I do believe God allowed me to be born as a gift that reflects the love between the two.

Now on this day August 17, 2013, I do believe God allowed my mother and my father to renew their wedding vows.

I do BELIEVE, PROCLAIM, and PROFESS this love is unstoppable.


This poem touches me in a special way. Being married over 25 years at an early age devoted and committed to one man has proven itself worthy. God has kept us through the trials and tribulations of life. I do believe with time, patience and understanding the love between two people can endure the toils that life brings them. Communication is the key to making all things possible. Many may not believe but I’m a believer and I believe that standing on the word of God, proclaiming and professing him as my Lord and savior kept me in the midnight hours. I do believe he gave us the structure to raise such a wonderful and beautiful daughter. Life is a challenge, but it is how you overcome those challenges that make you Victorious.


The day I wrote this poem, the same words kept coming to my mind. I had no idea at the time the words I remembered were from Kirk Franklin’s song “Love.” The lyrics I knew from the song, conversations with family, and my parents love inspired this poem. I believed every word written in my notebook, but I still did not know if it would be meaningful to the audience. When August 17, 2013 finally came, I was so nervous. I memorized everything, and I went up to the microphone and shared what was written. After I was done, I remember hearing the pastor say “Wow,” and my mother was crying! When I looked at her she said, “That was beautiful!” In that moment I felt proud, and I still remain proud. My parents love is still unstoppable.